Street Soccer USA Sacramento

A nonprofit organization

$35,308 raised by 169 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

After an initial pilot in Charlotte, North Carolina, SSUSA was launched as a new way to approach homelessness and its attendant issues. SSUSA's smart design, which began from a community based and social service context, enabled the program to replicate rapidly to 16 cities across the United States through partnerships with 25 different social service agencies.

Today SSUSA focuses on low-income youth, young adults, and their families in underserved communities, while also still delivering specific programming that is tailored to meet the specific needs of homeless youth and adults. Our relationship-based approach uses sport as a personal development tool, building community with a sports-focused and team-based structure that is positive and universally accessible. Participants receive a familial support group, at the same time, demands, expectations, and accountability are placed upon participants to spur their personal growth, physical health, and empowerment.

At Street Soccer USA, when we play, we play for more than just winning or losing. We play to better ourselves, to better our community, and to better the world. By growing street soccer in urban areas and building a positive community around the game, we believe we achieve just that.

"We believe sports can be a primary tool in building safe, healthy communities where everyone has a place to call home."

Organization Data


Organization name

Street Soccer USA Sacramento

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Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


1001 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10018



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