City of Arvada Homeless Navigation Program
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Colorado Gives FoundationDonations provide emergency resources to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
raised by 27 people
$5,000 goal
The City of Arvada Homeless Navigation Program is part of a navigation model across Jefferson County launched in January 2020. This model is comprised of municipal and County-based homeless navigators who work directly with persons experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness. The purpose of this program is to navigate persons experiencing a housing crisis into stable housing and help them obtain the services and resources needed to obtain and maintain that housing. As part of the Homeless Navigation Program, the City of Arvada would appreciate the opportunity to accept donations from the community to supplement the housing support the City is providing. These donations would pay for:
• Transportation (RTD voucher, bus tickets)
• Move-in kits (mattresses, cleaning items, toilet paper, soap, microwave, etc.)
• Security deposits for housing
• Fees for vital documents
• Emergency motel vouchers
• Outreach donations (socks, gloves, snacks)