Birders Building the Future of Bluff Lake!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bluff Lake Nature Center
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Bluff Lake's Birding Community is coming together to secure the future of this vital ecosystem.

44 donors

raised $167,295

100 donor goal

Donations can also be made by sending a check to Bluff Lake. This is recommended for gifts over $1,000 - see below for details!

The Bluff Lake birding community is a special group of people. They are out there on site more often than almost anyone, often earlier than anyone, and in any kind of weather. They know the different species that make their permanent and migratory homes there. They know how to be patient to spot an elusive creature. They love to share their passion with those who have never picked up a pair of binoculars, and are wondering if this place can be for them. 

And it is for them. Bluff Lake has opened up a whole world for people looking for an accessible and close to home place of nature to escape to and discover all that birding has to offer. The health benefits (whether physical, emotional, mental), education, and community that comes from a birding experience in Bluff Lake has proven to be vital, especially during the past few years, when more people discovered birding during the pandemic. 

With the popularity of birding at Bluff Lake has come an increase in visitors (up 46.7% from pre-pandemic) and immense impacts on the site. Each birder, both novice and pro, has the capacity to be a steward of the land that brings so much joy in this activity. 

We hope that you will join Bluff Lake's resident bird expert, George Ho, in supporting this campaign. George, along with three generations of his family, have committed to being a Keystone Family in Bluff Lake Nature Center's Capital Campaign for the Campus Improvements Project. The $150,000 committed by the Ho/Zeigler Family is a challenge to the birding community to match this gift. We’ve set a goal of 100 Bluff Lake birders to join us in making gifts to this campaign! Watch the video of George, Kenneth, Tania, Phoenix, and Griffin talking about their love of Bluff Lake below.

Currently the site has no utility hookups, very little infrastructure, accessibility concerns, and the team works out of an office several miles away. This project would provide a net zero building to house a welcome center, classrooms, offices, and a community space; power and running water; and additional site improvements, including an accessible ramp leading down into the site. 

With multi-use classrooms and a welcoming public area, we will have ample space to host educational birding events that will engage a new generation of new birders, and continue to build this community of Bluff Lake Birders. 


Did you know that Bluff Lake donors in Colorado can take advantage of the 50% Childcare Tax Credit of up to $100,000 per year, in addition to other state and federal charitable contribution credits? We invite you to visit the campaign page for more information, including other ways to give and tax credit information.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are making a gift of over $1,000, we ask that you consider sending a check to avoid the cost of high fees that would either be covered by the donor or Bluff Lake Nature Center. Checks can be mailed to:

Bluff Lake Nature Center

4760 Oakland St., Suite 200

Denver, CO 80239

Please add "Birders" and "Capital Campaign" in the memo line.

Want to make a commitment for a future or multi-year gift? Make your pledge HERE to be counted towards this goal. 

For all campaign and donation questions, please reach out to our Development Director, Leila Regan-Porter at

This fundraiser supports

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Bluff Lake Nature Center

Organized By George Ho

Giving Activity


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