Curt Rocca

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Spondylitis Association of America
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Help me raise funds as part of the 2024 L5 Investments Capital Cup


raised by 38 people

$10,000 goal

14 days left

Team participant

As many of you know I care deeply about making a positive impact in our community and for supporting those who - through no fault of their own - are in need of a little help. Most of the time it is not something that affects me personally - but this time it's personal! 

My son Grant, who turned 32 in February, had been complaining of increasingly acute back pain for over a decade.  Two years ago he was finally diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis—an autoimmune condition that causes a fusing of the spine, which leads to increasingly acute pain and lack of physical mobility over time. While you may have never heard of it, Spondylarthritis in the U.S. is more common than ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, combined! Despite the disease's prevalence, SAA is the ONLY organization that is working to improve affected lives, and ultimately find a cure for this debilitating disease—hopefully in time to help Grant and others.

 I hope that you will find it in your hearts to support this great organization which is working so hard to help the many victims of Spondylitis, like Grant. 

The L5 Investments Capital Cup uses the traditional Ryder Cup format to promote healthy competition and raise money for deserving charities in the Sacramento region. The tournament brings together leaders from the area, who are divided into two teams for an exciting three-day golf competition. Each player competes for their favorite charitable organization, giving donors the opportunity to support their favorite player or charity. The designated charities of the winning team share a prize fund of $100,000. The tournament initially aimed to raise $250,000 in its first year, but it exceeded its goal, and the committee has continued to raise the bar since then. The participating golfers have exceeded expectations every year, and the Capital Cup has now raised over $15 million in its 10 year history.

This fundraiser supports

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Spondylitis Association of America

Organized By Curt Rocca

Giving Activity


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